The vapor from mercury filllings easily passes to all the tissues and organs, including those of reproduction. With regards to the male reproductive system, mercury has an affinity for sperm. Mercury and other heavy metals are found in male ejaculate and seminal fluid, with the heaviest amount in the sperm. There are two ways mercury in male reproductive fluids may be a problem with respect to
infertility. 1) A women may be hypersensitive or allergic to mercury and thus have antibodies to mercury which will then react with the sperm and kill them. 2) Sperm with low motility are low in zinc and manganese; these are needed in the enzyme systems necessary for sperm motility. Mercury inhibits zinc and manganese. Thus there can be an indirect effect of mercury on sperm. Further, selenium is also involved in sperm motility as well as in normal development of sperm. Selenium has a very high affinity for mercury and is one of the body's natural protectors against mercury; if the selenium is tied up with mercury it is not available for other important fundtions like healthy sperm. Mercury also inhibits the synthesis of DNA in sperm forming cells. In fact, mercury was once used in contraceptive gels because it kills sperm
There ia also evidence that the mercury in a mother's fillings is passed along to her unborn child. In a very compelling study in Canada by Drs. Fritz Lorschneider and Murray Vimy, amalgam fillings were placed in the teeth of pregnant sheep. The mercury in the fillings was radioactively labeled so that the scientists could definitivley trace the mercury to the fillings. Within days, they found the amalgam-related mercury in all the tissues of both the mother sheep and the unborn fetuses, and especially in higher concentrations in the kidneys, thyroid, intestines, and jaw bone8. A German study conducted in 1994 found that mercury in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) babies' brains was directly proportional to the number of fillings in the mother's mouth, providing further compelling evidence that mercury travels to the developing fetus and may be a factor in SIDS9.ALZHEIMERS
Some of the most ominous findings related to mercury have been autopsy studies showing that the amount of mercury found in the tissues of the brain directly correlates to the number of mercury amalgam fillings in the mouth.
These are only a few of the numerous studies on mercury exposure from fillings. It is important to keep in mind, that mercury can travel via various routes from the metal fillings into the rest of the body. The vapor from the fillings can travel through the upper nasal cavity directly into the brain, including the region of the hypothalamus which regulates heart rate, respiration and blood pressure. It can also travel into the lungs where it can then be absorbed by the blood stream and carried to tissues throughout the body - especially to the kidneys where it accumulates rapidly. Studies now show that even low level exposure to mercury is not safe. Remember, the effects of mercury exposure are cumulative and can take years and even decades to surface.
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