It has been scientifically established: 1. That the mercury in 'silver' fillings continuously vaporizes into the mouth.
2. That this mercury vapor is inhaled and swallowed into the body.
3. That mercury from the fillings is then widely distributed throughout the body, where it stays for very long time periods.
4. That there is a correlation in autopsy studies between amount of mercury in brain tissues and the number, size, and number of surfaces, of amalgam fillings in the mouth.
5. That the mercury absorbed from dental amalgam can cause changes in body chemistry and in organ system functioning - subtle changes that initially may not be overtly apparent.
In recent years there has been much press about the harmful effects of mercury exposure from fish; the media has conveniently ignored the fact that exposure from fish is mute compared to daily exposure from fillings as demostrated in the chart above. Putting the amount of mercury present in an average filling into perspective, a four-foot fluorescent bulb, which should be disposed of as hazardous waste, has approximately 22 milligrams of mercury. The average dental amalgam filling contains about 1,000 milligrams of mercury.
Many studies suggest that the mercury exposure from fillings may be even greater than what the WHO has determined, particularly when more than one metal is present in the mouth and the resulting galvanic current causes even faster corrosion of the mercury fillings. One study found compelling evidence that 65% of the mercury that is in an amalgam when it was first prepared leaches out in under 10 years.
In this study, approximately 30 micrograms of mercury was calculated to be released per day. Over the 9+ year life of the amalgam, 101.2 mg of mercury left the filling. The study also concluded that a 1 microamp current between a gold alloy crown or bridge and an amalgam filling that are in continuous contact for 10 years will release 90 micrograms of mercury per day.
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